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Some upcoming readings: 


• Cole Heinowitz's series at Pete's Candy Store, January 10. Doors open at 6:30 and the reading starts promptly at 7pm

With Martha King and Anna Gurton-Wachter


• Hidden Palace series, Thursday, January I6, 7 p.m., Baltimore

With Steve Leviine, Bob Rosenthal, Liesl Schillinger





Johnny & I talked at Princeton on Wednesday, March 27, about our experiences editing poetry magazines in the 1970s.  


Here's a link to a reading I did for Harry Northrup's Poetry Hour in March 2024. The readings are Tuesdays at 4 New York time & well worth your time. 

* Prose Pros *
hosted by Elinor Nauen & Martha King

Thank you for your support for our 12 years of bringing prose to the East Village. 


In the side column of this page you can find a complete list of all readers from 2008-2019