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Wednesday is Caturday

My neighbor, Jojo, modeling a lobster Halloween hat for cats. Originally worn by Buster of blessed memory. 


Would the cats eat Halloween pumpkins? The mellocreme kind not the farm-raised vegetable. 

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Poem of the Week

Not by me! I'm in love with this poem. 


Prayer (I)

Prayer the church's banquet, angel's age,
God's breath in man returning to his birth,
The soul in paraphrase, heart in pilgrimage,
The Christian plummet sounding heav'n and earth
Engine against th' Almighty, sinner's tow'r,
Reversed thunder, Christ-side-piercing spear,
The six-days world transposing in an hour,
A kind of tune, which all things hear and fear;
Softness, and peace, and joy, and love, and bliss,
Exalted manna, gladness of the best,
Heaven in ordinary, man well drest,
The milky way, the bird of Paradise,
Church-bells beyond the stars heard, the soul's blood,
The land of spices; something understood.


George Herbert

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Monday Quote

Works of art make rules; rules do not make works of art. 

~ Claude Debussy


Still trying to come up with something to say about this. I agree ~ & don't. Sometimes starting with rules opens up the work enough to become art. I don't think he's saying the opposite of that. 

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Bomb threat & my synagogue was evacuated. Back in after a thorough search. 


Why not just set a bomb & take off? Why the warning? To sow terror but not cause mayhem? 


Nonetheless, I feel cleansed.

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Yom Kippur soon

Fighting a cold isn't the best way to get in the spirit of the last of the days of awe, when our fate (written on Rosh Hashanah) will be sealed. Certainly not able to explain why the symbolism & centuries of pondering by great thinkers makes me want to be part of this profound day.


Going back to sleep in the hopes that I can stagger to the synagogue for Kol Nidre. 


See ya on the other side... 

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A friend who uses a wheelchair asked me to go with her while she picked up her new one & then drive the old one back to her place. Sure! I'm a driver, I can drive a wheelchair, I figured.


It isn't that hard, once you get the hang of the joystick & the way it can do tight turns. I wasn't ready to maneuver onto the bus so we went the whole way in the streets: narrow sidewalks, broken curbs, cars & pedestrians blocking our path. It was nervewracking. I went bamming through puddles before I learned that my little motor could get me up to the sidewalk without needing a running start. I understand a wheelchair makes it easier for people who have mobility issues, but boy, don't be in any rush. 


The highlight was when I was leaving my friend's building after parking the second chair. She told me the doorman would probably be puzzled, so as I walked out & he was doing a discreet doubletake, I threw up my hands & said, It's a miracle! Oh, did he laugh! That was fucking awesome, he said, excuse my language. It WAS fucking awesome, I said, & he laughed harder. You got me good, he said. 



P.s. If you are interested in donating to a very worthy organization, Free Wheelchair Mission makes & sends simple, sturdy, "off-road" wheelchairs to people in dozens of developing countries, making it possible for them to go to school, work, & maintain family ties. 


P.s. I'm exhausted!

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It's too awful to think of the storm so Ii turned to the poet: 


Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.


It's kind of unreal to have two storms like Helene & Milton hit less than two weeks apart. I don't get how so many people in Florida still can't see climate change in what's going on. And will be begging the government for help while rejecting its legitimacy.  

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Tuesday is Caturday

Lefty's new place to sleep is behind us at the top of the bed in a little trough. You can barely see him in this photo: a black lump when his eyes are closed. Nonetheless, I like this photo & how sweet that little monster can be. He bites me a lot when I'm sitting at the table, where the chance of me responding with food is pretty good, but in bed he's all snuggles. 

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Monday Quote

Nature is very unforgiving. If you destroy nature, it will destroy you.
~ Wangari Maathai, Kenyan activist and 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate


Clearer by the day, no? 

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The call of the shofar

Hearing the shofar is a requirement of Rosh Hashanah; I'm one of the shofar blowers at my synagogue. Usually I spend a lot of time leading up to the holiday studying the laws and meanings. I plan to think about one thing or another but when I'm actually blowing it all falls out of my head. This year I didn't have anything planned. Then the rabbi talked about it as a siren, what her friends in Jerusalem were hearing as a warning to get to their safe houses. A wake-up call to all of us to examine our lives. And I was filled with rage and defiance. Antisemites: hear this! God: hear this! Many years I feel like I'm carrying the congregation's prayers to heaven. This year I was punching my way through the trouble, hate, disregard. 

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Rosh Hashanah Day 2

Wait, we're doing the whole thing again? Why? In case we were inattentive for a moment here & there?


OK, I'm in.


I suppose. 

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Rosh Hashanah Day 1

Come for the medieval liturgical poetry, stay for the sound of the shofar! 

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L’shana tova tikatevu

All Jewish holidays run sundown to sundown. Tonight is the beginning of the year 5785: Rosh Hashanah, New Year's. Not the party hat-champagne holiday of December 31, Jews reflect on the past year and how they will do better in the coming one. Tikkun olam, repairing the world, is an essential component of that. This year it's been difficult to prepare, but maybe that's always true. 

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I've always thought it was kind of a ripoff that of our solar system's 293 moons, Saturn has 146, Jupiter 75, even Mars has 2, teeny little not-even-always-a-planet Pluto has five, and we've got... one. One measly moon. So I'm excited that right now, & until November 25 (don't you love that they already know when the breakup will occur?), we've got a second moon. Or to be more exact, "a mini-moon" that's 33 feet long and needs a professional telescope to be seen. Still! Could be the start of something big! 


And it is: we're getting an asteroid in 2029 that can be seen by the naked eye. 


(If that link doesn't work, search for an article in The Washington Post called "For 57 days this fall, Earth will have a second moon.")

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