A Tale of Love and Darkness
From the vault VII: "Poem"
I go to work
call my mother, my sister
a few others
watch Floyd fix the toilet
fret about my stuck hood
think about slapping a sign on the Pontiac: it’s yours
& never going near it again
I read a few pages of Shaw’s autobiography,
better yet Chesterton’s
& Quentin Crisp’s ditto
sigh & warble along with Patsy Cline
think about bills, snow, pills, Boston
the party this afternoon & Janet & Didier’s Read More
A year of ups & downs

People I loved suffered, recovered, died. The loved ones of people I love suffered, died, recovered.
A short-fingered vulgarian is running for president. So is a woman I admire with all my might.
Two long-lost friends turned up, one from the House & the other, just today, my first and only college roommate, Pam. Read More
Crazy roof

What I'm reading III
= Outlander, recommended by a friend, not sure how far I'll get, it's pretty overwrought!
= Where'd You Go Bernadette, Maria Semple. The person who recommended it called it the funniest book ever. I thought it was sad—funny a lot, but sad.
= Welcome to the Goddamned Ice Cube, Read More
Twin Lights bike ride

More About Buster
He sleeps like Ted Berrigan, with one (or 2, or 4) arms in the air.
From the vault VI: "The Indian Maiden's Head"
The Indian Maiden’s Head
for Michael Scholnick
“the middle class”
kicking around the reservoir
“is propitious”
Read More
Shofar so good
I heard about the explosion last night in Chelsea (half a block from my dojo) thanks to a message from a high school friend, now living in Boston, who wanted to make sure I was OK. "Would never have imagined this would be something to worry about," she said. I suppose they still don't have homemade bombs in South Dakota. But they do have the kind of gun laws that make it just as scary.
Have we gone around the bend as a country? What can people possibly be thinking?
Even if the extreme right wing has managed to gerrymander themselves into control of 30 states & Congress, doesn't a single one of those legislators have a heart or a backbone?
The Times' editorial on Missouri's shockingly lax new gun laws begins, "In an alarming victory for the gun lobby, Missouri’s Republican-controlled Legislature voted Wednesday to override Gov. Jay Nixon’s veto and enact a wholesale retreat from gun safety in the state. The law will let citizens carry concealed weapons in public without a state gun permit, criminal background check or firearms training. It strips local law enforcement of its current authority to deny firearms to those guilty of domestic violence and to other high-risk individuals."
It just gets worse, doesn't it?
ǝ Schwa ǝ

Maybe it’s that it was my first clue Read More
My neighborhood

My neighborhood

A run-of-the-mill I'm-the-man lunatic.
We're weekly colleagues in a volunteer situation. I'd expressed my displeasure for the umpteenth time with our work conditions, & he told me to calm down, something that is routinely said by men to women to try to force them to Read More
Joan of Arc

From the vault V: The Brave Little Poets

Elinor and Johnny
Marion and her 10-year-old son, Joe
Alice and Doug
Alice’s 16-year-old son Eddie
Saturday, 9-22-90
I wake up early. It’s raining. I call Peggy to ask hopefully, Is anyone having second thoughts? Read More
Max Rose
Ha ha I wrote that & then realized I'd written the same thing, almost word for word, a year ago. I'm the Henny Youngman of Read More