On Sixth Street (III)

On Sixth Street (I)

At the laundry

1) This facility is for our dearest Customer Only!
= I have never dared ask if that could be me.
2) Rest room out of order sorry!
= Whoever saw fit to write & print all the other signs was still loose enough to leave this one.
3) NO tissue paper in there! Please prepare your own!
= Repeated in Spanish.
4) Take the KEY out. Turn the Light Off. LOCK the door. Control your Usage within 10 minutes. Read More
On being conspiracy minded
As it turns out, a lot of researchers and thinkers are interested in this.
University of Miami political scientists Joseph E. Uscinski and Joseph M. Parent, in American Conspiracy Theories (2014: Oxford University Press), report that believers in conspiracies Read More
Croeso i'r Cymraeg
Dych chi eisiau afal neu lemon?*
Eich bod yn synnu fy mod yn siarad eich iaith mor dda!**
DuoLingo launched their Welsh course this afternoon & I was one of the first people to sign up. I already know the days of the week & some greetings, although the words are pretty mushy in my mouth.
I remember going to visitmy relatives in Cardiff, and Aldwyn insisting I try to use Welsh, so I dutifully told the taxi driver I was going to 4 Llanfair road in as clicky a Welsh accent as I could manage.
The driver shrugged: Never heard of it.
It's a big street! It's right off of Cathedral Parkway!
I gave in & said "lan-fair" & he said, Oh! and took me right there.
* Do you want an apple or a lemon?
** You are surprised I speak your language so well! OK, I got this one from Google translate. It's the one sentence the brilliant & hilarious Barbara Barg knows in a dozen languages.
Not snow

The patch of white that caught my eye turns out not to be snow, but I like it anyway. Read More
I Heart Even More Snow

= The excuses. Normally I always/never, but it's a blizzard, everything is permitted.
= The pretty. Big snow is the only "disaster [sic] that leaves the afflicted region more attractive in its wake."
= The camaraderie. I love hearing people's stories. I could look endlessly at photos of kids, dogs, pigs, pandas frolicking.
= The frolicking. Read More
I Heart More Snow

I Heart Snow

Free North Korea

I'm the princess
luxe galore
hot choc & sparkle snow
& adoration
& there's one
little pea
one little pea
& nothing else
Vin Bruce
His French version of Hank Thompson's "Wild Side of Life" is pretty crazy but mostly I listen to waltzes and songs like "Fille de la Ville" and "Jolie Fille," full of accordion, fiddling, good beats, & catchy melodies. Read More
My city?
A big ol' clump of dyin'

We went down to the lake & swam, and just as we got back to the house, the heavens opened up.
"How'd you do that?" I demanded. Read More
The other side of discard

Here's one, which was published in Mag City 8 (edited by Greg Masters, Michael Scholnick, & Gary Lenhart), in 1979:
Read More
The 25th day

Prose Pros
Bob Sullivan (born 1 day after me) led off with a section from My American Revolution, his almanac/history of some of the byways of that war, such as the (very bad) Read More
European royalty

1) the Principality of Andorra
2) the Kingdom of Belgium
3) the Kingdom of Denmark
4) the Principality of Liechtenstein
5) the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
6) the Principality of Monaco
7) the Kingdom of the Netherlands
8) the Kingdom of Norway Read More
Buttermilk pie

Jeg snakker ikke norsk :-(

Pierre Chouteau (1789–1865) was a fur trader (beaver, deer, buffalo) and son of one of the founders of St. Louis, some 800+ miles down the Missouri from Pierre. The fort named after him was built in 1832, a strategic spot for Read More
The Double Yews