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Even an indifferent OK bad cook ought to be able to make a decent plate of pasta. You would think. Even Johnny, the most unfussy eater, picks at what I make. It was full of vegetables! it had sauce! And "that stuff" (Parmesan)! Well, at least I won't be cooking again until March. 

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Monday Quote

Shouldn't you know this? 

~ Miss Ellen Skaff (1912-97), Latin teacher at Washington High School, Sioux Falls. South Dakota

in honor of her & her devoted student & my friend since junior high, Nils Grossman (1951-2025)


She also frequently told us that we have an advantage because of studying Latin, which turned out to be totally true. 

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What a star! Check out Lucy Sante's shout-out in the NYT Book Review on January 30 (if the link doesn't work). BrokeDown Palace is a great book, Maggie's account of being a paramedic in Times Square in the '80s & much more: a mystery in which she tracks down remnants of the dismantled hospital, a biography of Mother Alice, the nun who set up the first AIDS ward in New York, and in general life in this city when it was at its craziest. 

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