In 1971, we had a 1970 dayglo calendar of a carrot on the wall of The House in Maryland where most of us were in the Air Force (or the Air Farce as we called it) or part of a larger group that had managed to find each other & share values, goals, ideals, and LSD. Those of us who were really there are always there. We wrote phone numbers & sayings & reminders on the carrot calendar. An artefact of the time: "Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope" was one of the witticisms. I ended up with the carrot & eventually sent it to Teresa, who has it framed in her house in Cuenca, Ecuador, where she has lived for the last dozen or so years. (She gave me Sam's AF shirt, still after all those years only a little ragged around the cuffs.) Every Thursday Steve in SC makes a flower arrangement & tags whoever is having a birthday that week. For the last many years he has included a carrot in my birthday arrangement. People always love it, speculate on the meaning, "unique" is a common descriptor, a sign of spring. We know it as a symbol of our lifelong love & friendship & fellowship of The House.