Or 125th Street, which is about as Far North as I can imagine going, a downtown girl like myself.
Johnny & I went to hear Mia Simring's senior sermon at the Jewish Theological Seminary. We've known Mia since she was little—she came to our wedding when she was 10. She spoke (beautifully) about Noah—Noah as in ark & Noah as in her late brother. A plea & hope against destruction.
Then we came back downtown & now I can scarcely keep my eyes open. Such train lag!
Johnny & I went to hear Mia Simring's senior sermon at the Jewish Theological Seminary. We've known Mia since she was little—she came to our wedding when she was 10. She spoke (beautifully) about Noah—Noah as in ark & Noah as in her late brother. A plea & hope against destruction.
Then we came back downtown & now I can scarcely keep my eyes open. Such train lag!