Today I salute my high school journalism teacher, Lorraine Norman, who died a few days ago at the age of 91. Washington High put out a weekly newspaper, rare then & probably unheard of now. To give you an idea, we typed on an electric typewriter & did corrections by cutting them out with an exacto knife & rubber cementing them into place. Come to think of it, Miss Norman was a human exacto knife—precise, fine-tuned, someone who insisted on accuracy.
I was shy (shyer) in high school & Miss Norman took me under her wing. The responsibility of editing The Orange & Black has been useful & illuminating to this day, & I would not be surprised if hundreds of others say the same thing, and say as well that she was more influential than any teacher they had.
I was shy (shyer) in high school & Miss Norman took me under her wing. The responsibility of editing The Orange & Black has been useful & illuminating to this day, & I would not be surprised if hundreds of others say the same thing, and say as well that she was more influential than any teacher they had.