What if hurricanes were named after poets? These are all poets who've rocked my world.
A.R. Ammons
Bernadette Mayer
Charles Reznikoff
Doug Oliver
Elizabeth Bishop
Frank O’Hara
Gregory Corso
Ishmael Reed
John Keats
Kenneth Koch
Lord Byron
Michael Lally
N (I can't think of anyone!)
Ogden Nash
Paul Violi
Quincy Troupe
Rudyard Kipling (really for his fiction, truth be told)
Steve Carey
Ted Berrigan
William Carlos Williams
Q, U, X, Y and Z aren't used in naming hurricanes so I left them out here too, except for Quincy Troupe. This isn't exhaustive or final. I could make a entirely different list in no time, so no offense to anyone I should have included—names come up weirdly. Every time someone asks my favorite poet, I can't usually remember the name of any poet at all.
A.R. Ammons
Bernadette Mayer
Charles Reznikoff
Doug Oliver
Elizabeth Bishop
Frank O’Hara
Gregory Corso
Ishmael Reed
John Keats
Kenneth Koch
Lord Byron
Michael Lally
N (I can't think of anyone!)
Ogden Nash
Paul Violi
Quincy Troupe
Rudyard Kipling (really for his fiction, truth be told)
Steve Carey
Ted Berrigan
William Carlos Williams
Q, U, X, Y and Z aren't used in naming hurricanes so I left them out here too, except for Quincy Troupe. This isn't exhaustive or final. I could make a entirely different list in no time, so no offense to anyone I should have included—names come up weirdly. Every time someone asks my favorite poet, I can't usually remember the name of any poet at all.