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Guilty x 34

Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty 


An ex-president of the United States is a convicted felon. 


Will he go to prison? Probably not (hard to imagine, anyway), but there's 3 more trials to come. 


The one or 2 diehard maga beasts I know are right in lockstep: corrupt judiciary, New York is the pits. Somehow being convicted only proves his innocence to them.


When Senator Eagleton was found to have seen a psychiatrist for depression, he withdrew as the vice presidential candidate in 1972, & now everyone is wondering if being convicted on 34 charges will affect the chances of tRump being elected. Even Nixon respected the presidency & the country enough to resign. Even Republicans told him he had to do so. What the hell.  

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