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Poem of the Week: from The Alphabet's Dilemma

I'm a little goofy, what with the satisfaction of a new book, the hot weather, the effort to avoid a whirlwind of anger at the endless stupidities, many of them mine. Here's another poem from my new chapbook, which you can order from the publisher if you'd like. It's a very New York book. 


On the Block


What's Spanish for suitcase? Simon asks Sylvie

Su…casa? she tries


        Diana from the corner walks by.

        She's been in LA for two years!

        She holds my hand

        & tells me she's here for jury duty

        & how much she likes Jackie Chan

I love my block: the secret world

where I don't have to be new


& I run into everyone & they're reading

spy novels & eating chips &

the babushka Hungarian lady curses me:

I am a gonna fetch you!

esa paloma

came too close

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