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Theories of blogging

I try to get on with it & if I start a post, I find a way to finish it that often includes an unexpected (to me) swerve. It's strange to be feeling kind of one-direction & indecisive. 


We had a great time visiting Johnny's sister & seeing her 4 daughters (the 3 sons were far off, as it happens). It was unspeakably hot & humid but luckily they have a big air-conditioned house & we hung out, laughed, reminisced & were glad to be together. I worried it would be the last time, as it's harder & harder for Johnny to travel & his sister has health issues of her own, but it wasn't bad at all & I think we'll get down to Virginia again in not too long. We spent half an hour at the Civil War battlefields visitor center - there were 4 major battles in the area - but otherwise didn't leave the block. I saw deer and a groundhog.


C'mon, New York, whatchoo got for me?

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