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I thought it was simple: I go on Medicare, I get free additional insurance that gives me a gym membership and a preventive care visit with my primary care doc for either nothing or $25; a specialist is $25 or $50. Not bad! Simple! I was a little put out that the ophthalmologist at Mount Sinai would charge $75 extra to give me the prescription for glasses but that made it only $25 more than Warby-Parker, so what the hey. Ha! Suddenly the pre-visit estimates rolled in: $183 for one, even more than that for the other. Apparently, you pay $25 for the meal but extra for a chair, napkin, fork, glass. Apparently, I have to choose supplemental not advantage. Apparently, everyone knows this. The several different people I spoke with at Mount Sinai all said it's a big ol' scam & of course the hospitals figured out how to wring money out of every "free" service. I knew, vaguely, that healthcare is a mess but since I never go to doctors, I hadn't understood. Now I am beginning to. 

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