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I say yes to invitations & have a fun day

First I went to one of the courthouses downtown to see my girl S— in 2 mock trials as part of a weeklong law program for high school students. Same scenario each time; in the first she was a prosecution lawyer, in the second a witness, & very convincing at both. Had a sandwich & listened to Damian Williams, District Attorney for the Southern District NY, tell dozens of high school students & some of their family members how he became a lawyer & the duty & joy he feels in working to repair the world or at least his corner of it. The best kid on S—'s team had the wonderful name of Desmond Augustine; he was a student at Regis & seemed like he could already be a lawyer. Then I finally saw the African Burial Ground national monument, a little oasis in the middle of Broadway. And got to hang with my beloved Mike, formerly of B&H Dairy, now the manager of a Matto coffee & snack spot, where he is dispensing beaming smiles & "sweetheart!"s to one & all. One of the most loving and positive people I've ever known. 

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