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Left for LaGuardia at 5, with Delta telling me it was an on-time 7 a.m. departure. Got the most upbeat & kind cab driver ever, Idris, who's been driving for 27 years. He told me he would charge half price because I was his last, and friendliest apparently, fare. (I said absolutely not.) I was at my gate around half an hour before boarding would start, which was fine. Got an alert: departure delayed till 8. I dozed & what woke me up was that sort of murmur that you can tell something's wrong. I looked at the board (& this time there was no alert at all). My flight was canceled. What?! Naturally, every other Delta flight today, tomorrow, & Friday was sold out. There was one $2,250 first class seat with a layover in Minneapolist - nope, gone. When I got stuck in Scotland at the start of the pandemic, my flight got canceled & at least Delta said they would try to rebook me. This time they let me know I was on my own. 


I went home & slept for the rest of the day. 

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