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Irma Thomas

Talking about the Dixon Brothers the other day made me think about other musicians I've been listening to & how much I like Irma Thomas, "Soul Queen of New Orleans," not least because we share a birthday (& in fact today is our half-birthday. Someone asked me recently if I really celebrate my half-birthday. Someone who doesn't know me very well, obviously. As a kid we always had a half-cake from Dixie Bake Shop on Minnesota Avenue, the only place I know of that sold half-cakes). Irma Thomas is a contemporary of Aretha Franklin and Etta James, although not as well known, obviously. What I just learned is she had her first child at age 14, and was a mother of 4 and twice divorced by the time she was 19. Like all great singers, she sounds like it's all aimed at you. 


Update: Here she is singing "Time Is on My Side." Thanks, DB!

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