On buy nothing day (Friday), I shopped as local as it's possible to do, buying a loaf of Irish soda bread from Mary O, who expanded from selling a few loaves from her bar on Ave A, to a bigger operation in a storefront on 7th Street. It comes hot from the oven with Irish butter and Mary's homemade blackberry jam. Our nephew scored a scone or 2 when he was in town last year & it brought back his Nana (Johnny's mother) to his great pleasure. When Johnny brought home a loaf from the bar, a couple years ago it must have been, I told him to stop by every day & beg her to bake more. Too expensive, he said. I think a loaf then was either $9 or $12, which did seem ridiculous. Now she charges $30 (+ tax) & there's a line out the door till they sell out & shut down for the day.